Oke, sebelum masuk ke cerpen sebenarnya, aku pengen kasih tau kalau cerpen ini adalah tugas final salah satu mata kuliah yang aku geluti di kampus, let's make it simpler, it's a Creative Writing Final Assignment, jadi kudu wajib pake banget buat sekreatip kreatipnya! XD but aku gak men-judge kalo cerpen ini that awesome, no no no, tapi mungkin bisa jadi referensi ceritamu. But, awas ya, meski gabagus bagus amat, tetep gaboleh nyolong dan copas! Musti ijin dulu kalo memang niat pake buat bahan XD yaudah langsung saja.
A Short Story
Aimi leaned on the white pillow while her two hands busily opened the book’s pages which were 300 pages thick. She busily explored sheet by sheet of Thomas Harris’ book. While she was in an occupied mood, a person suddenly patted her shoulder. That girl turned right. Then she snorted softly after seeing the person who dared to pat her back.
“Crimson? Why? Need something?” she said coldly, returned to look over her book.
Crimson, that blue-eyed man was just in silence without any words. There was a smile in a glance that gave lots of meaning. He just looked at Aimi with his stuck eyes as usual.
“Crimson?” Aimi pierced to Crimson who was now sitting on edge of her bed, gave Aimi his back.
“Do you hate me, Aimi?”
Aimi was motionless, silent. All her moves stopped. She put the book beside on her, and then took a look at Crimson, focusing her eyes on that crimson-haired guy, with blue eyes like the ocean. He wore brown jersey and dark black jeans. There was a “Crimson” word in his Jersey that he was used to wearing. CRIMSON, seven blue letters as his couple blue eyes.
“What reason that makes me hate you?” there was a curve like an old moon in Aimi’s lips. She stroked his hair while burbling some Beethoven’s tones.
“I want you to play piano for me, Crimson.”
He shook his head.
“You have no piano.”
Aimi burst into laughter, sounded miserable, then Crimson chuckling in Aimi’s laugh that burdened his ears.
“Crimson, you are my only friend. The loyal friend. I will never hate you.” Aimi reached Crimson’s hair and stroked his hair string by string. No reaction from Crimson. He just sat, in silence. That night became so quiet since they stopped their empty talks.
When Aimi wanted to go on reading, suddenly her alarm was ringing. Unexpectedly, someone came in. A woman with white suit, a nurse stepped to Aimi's room while her hands carrying a tray with some medicines and a glass of water. She smiled then accosting Aimi friendly.
“Please take this medicine, Aimi.” She handed them over to Aimi. That girl smiled back to the nurse. Pill by pill went into her throat successfully. The nurse said the pleased farewell after cleaning up the room.
“You must sleep after this. I take the book, ok? You can go on your reading tomorrow.” She said while taking that dark-covered book.
Aimi nodded, smiling.
When the nurse had already left the room, Aimi turned right, then turning left, looking for someone. She could not find Crimson anywhere. She nearly cried out if the drug’s effects did not react with her body. Slowly, she was feeling drowsy. Her sight was getting blurred. She hardly managed herself when she was in a half sleep. It was used to happening every day.
No responses. Second by second, her lid of eyes that opened and closed since a while ago reached to the point of top. Her body lied down after closing her eyes completely. There were some sighs, regular breath, the sign of a happy sleep.
Crimson was used to going somewhere, off hand, after Aimi had her medicine. But Aimi always hoped that man would come towards her tomorrow, again.
“She has been sleeping, Doc.” The nurse whispered to a doctor. She hurriedly ran into Aimi’s room after hearing her shout. She came with the doctor.
“Gratefully, I just thought that she would run amuck when looking for Crimson. So, we will use the same doses for the next meeting.” Said the doctor.
That fatty nurse nodded agreeably, and then she walked away to her own room. In her hands, there were some documents about patients’ information. There was written, Aimi Lecter, 16 years old, suffering Schizophrenia since nine years ago. She had been entering the Asylum when her mother caught her, by her own eyes, talking to the man named Crimson. The man that never existed. Her hallucination, simply. Her imaginary friend.
Note: Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder which affects how a person thinks, feels and acts. Somehow with schizophrenia may have difficulty distinguishing between what is real and what is imaginary; may have be unresponsive or withdrawn; and may have difficulty expressing normal emotions in social situations.
Created by: ST. Magfirah R
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